Saturday, April 3, 2010

A different kind of person

I have felt uninspired for several months. I tried to force inspiration the other day and nothing came. It has me slightly worried. Isn't inspiration supposed to be the thing that drives us towards our dreams? I am uninspired. For the first time that I can remember, I am bored at school. This semester is full of classes I don't care about and I really don't even feel like I'm absorbing anything from them. I can't write a poem worth shit. I'm having a hard time even writing a blog. I don't understand it; where is my inspiration?

I went to Nate and Alex's wedding last week. It was the shortest wedding I've ever been to. At most the ceremony was 15 minutes long. but it took an hour and half for them to get pictures done. And I also do not understand why people didn't dance at the reception. I was pumped for some dancing, (it's been over a year since I went out dancing I think) and I thought that all the booze in people would result in a full on dance party experience. Instead it was shannon and I boogying by ourselves with a little help from steph. oh well, I still had fun. Though I probably could've had more.

I'm not a fan of 23. so far it's been a poor age.

I don't understand women. everyday I realize how alienated from them I really am. How even when I think: "wow, les. You're doing pretty good with all these girls as friends. in reality, I'm just on the outskirts of the whole thing. I guess I'm the closest to the middle of the a group of girls I've ever been in my life and that's why it feels like I almost fit in. But most of the time I'm convinced that I don't.

i need to study.