Sunday, November 16, 2008

I do not like green eggs and ham, so I will eat you Sam I Am

Sunday bloody sunday..

Ah the roller coaster that is my life. I could make so much money if there was a way to give out tickets for a 3 1/2 minute ride on it. I love it...don't get me wrong...but seriously...I might be on the truman show because sometimes I think that waay too much happens that feels like it right out of a movie. Movies aren't supposed to happen in real maybe I'm not real...interesting.

the new question in life is: "what next?" sure I'll go to grad school and blah blah blah, but that won't be until the fall. so from december to august would do i do? Alli and brooke are going to be in Wiston-Salem and I'm pretty set on getting in on that action. Because I miss them more than almost anything and I miss North Carolina. Or maybe I'll just up and peace out to Cali like I've been trying to do for years. I'm applying to San Diego State University and if I get in...yeah won't be around here much longer. Or do i just stay at the 'rent's house and save money....they would say that the last option is the best...and obviously it is...but I only get to up and move whenever I want for a short time longer and then life, job, marriage and all that will hit me and I'll have to be responsible and mature and not leaving anymore. And from what I can see, it's not expensive to live in Winston-Salem.

I've also been thinking about scraping the get a job business and go back to Colombia for the semester. That would be amazing.

Am I running? yeah probably...I don't know why. no that's a lie. I do know why. I'm running because I've convinced myself that since he has a new girl then I have nothing to stay for. I'm not a very logical person. its not that I'm not logical...I'm just very passionate and dramatic and forget to stop and breathe and realize that I have so many good friends and people who care about me here. But by then I've gotten excited about the new experiences that await me on my adventure of running away. and it is no longer about what I'm running away from...but what I am running to. Sometimes when i get there I realize that I made a mistake...but sometimes...its like heaven opened and I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. so I never know whether to be cautious and safe. or be crazy and risky. but someone wise once said to take more risks.

I told you I wasn't logical.

you stay classy San Diego

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