Thursday, April 9, 2009

My closet door I fixed it...I'm handy like that..yo

Yeah. I know. I've been ignoring you.
Yeah. I know. I've been doing it on purpose.

I stopped because 1) I was tired of sounding pathetic, 2) I met an amazing guy (whom I'm now dating), 3) I picked up yet another job, 4) I decided to become a somewhat more social drinker.

Things I have learned in the last month:
  1. there just might be nice guys in this world. There is a story behind this guy and it is quite epic. I'm killing time, so I guess I'll tell you. So March 1, 2009, I was sitting in the starbucks at the corner. It was cold, snowy day and all of my 2 friends in Cville were out of town on spring break and all I wanted was a good book and a fireplace. I provide the book, Starbucks provides the fireplace. Bonus is that the comfy chairs are right in front of the fireplace and no one is in there because its UVA spring break and all the wahoos are wahooing somewhere else. thank god. I snuggle up with my copy of My Antonia and begin to read. a good hour passes and this boy (ok man, but boy is such a great word) walks in. catches my eye, but no fireworks. he sits down at the couch behind me a ways. about five minutes later his phone does an obnoxious beeping thing and I throw him the evil eye. How dare he ruin my relaxing reading and fireplace snow day? he mouths "sorry" and I turn away, readjusting myself so that i don't have to look at him. About 30 minutes later he moves to a table to my right by the window. I give him the benefit of the doubt and explain to myself that he just wants to watch the snow, not me. I readjust myself again, throwing my rainbow scarf over the arm of the chair, maybe he'll take the hint. Another hour goes by (he's writing, very brooding of him). He begins a conversation with other people sitting around me about the snow. I make some comment about how we are supposed to get six inches before it is all over. I go back to my book. Please don't talk to me. Oh no, he talks to me. I decide to be nice. I ask the obvious question: "so do you go to UVA?" he gives me an unexpect answer: "no, I just moved here in january". me: "weird, I just moved in january too, where ar eyou from?" him: "Glouster". me: "weird, I went to W&M, that's like 15 minutes from there." we talk more, kinda hit it off. He then says something that changed everything: "so the bar at the corner has all of the their special on drinks from the whole week on sundays starting at 7, it's 6:30 now...wanna go?". My thoughts: "I like you already". we go have good conversation, he's 26, works at lowes, loves his mom, and karaoke. after a few drinks he asks if he can be sappy (he is very sappy) and take me for a walk in the snow around campus which is right across the street. I've never been around romantic men like this and I have no idea how to act. so I goof off the whole time. I push him over, I throw snowballs at him. I refuse his help up a snow bank and fall flat on my ass. needless to say, I laughed a lot. more than I have in a really long time. he walked me to my car. asked if he could see me again, I say sure. I go home. I tell my roommate. twist of events: somehow he originally talked to my roommate about living in my room before I agreed to it. it's a small world ladies and gentlemen. fate? I haven't decided yet.
  2. My legs are casper the ghost white. wearing jeans all year round is probably not the best idea I have ever had. and I don't really remember why I do it. because it's not the conservative homeschooler in me. and I was a dancer in leotard and tights. it's a stange thing this deal I have with my legs. they are great legs. I don't know why I don't show them off. They really miss the sun.
  3. its allergy season. need I say more.
  4. I'm not good at my job. I just got a new client. I start with him tomorrow. but I'm seriously thinking about quitting.
  5. Beer and Cell Phones don't get along. I turned 22 on March 24. and well, it was great night. until my cell phone went for a swim in a pitcher of beer and got drunk and might have gotten alcohol poisoning because it didn't so much work after that. so i had to get a new one. its very pretty.
  6. Old cars will die. Azulita decided to explode. in richmond. which is at least an hour from everyone I know. It started getting angry at me as a pulled of the ramp and by the time I got to my destination...well I didn't actually make it to my destination. I made within 5 blocks though and ran the rest of the way. had a meeting. took it to a Saab place right next to where I left it. They told me to take to some place down Broad street. and that something may be wrong with my transmission. well that's just great. and it would've been fine if broad street was all downhill...but no braod street is all up hill. adn the transmission is kinda important for getting a car up hill. and about half way up that hill at Pleasant's hardware, when I pressed the gas sounded like I was moving....but I wasn't actually moving anymore. so I cried. because I love my car. and it hurt to see her hurting. called a tow truck and they towed me to some repair shop. told me they couldn't get to it til the next day. so I began my walk to the rental car place. I stopped and got krispie Kreme first because, well let's face it, this was a crisis. I walk into Enterprise, they tell me they have no cars. so they give me a ride to cars. stupid drivers in snow can't drive. so I walk to Budget. finally a car. a nice shiny red colbalt. those things have really bad blind spots. never get one. All this dad is in heart surgery. it was a bad day. BUt I got new a car now. 2000 honda civic. boy car. with girly flair. its a drag queen.
  7. Boyfriends are really good for hanging hammocks on my porch.
  8. Tax returns are such a great feeling.
  9. Oh, and Gossip Girl is life consuming.
so since february I gotten a new boyfriend, a new car, a new cell phone, a new computer, and new TV series addiction. which is pretty much a new life.

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