Monday, February 2, 2009

from 60 to snow in 48 hours

I had forgotten how amazing it felt to take a nap with a toddler. this morning was my first day babysitting Lucas. Lucas is 16 months old. his dad is from Medellin, which is probably why i got the job. Lucas is one of the happiest children I've ever met. He laughs about everything, literally everything (except his mom leaving). He is also one of the most cuddly people I've ever met. most kids, when their parents leave them with someone new for the first time, want nothing to do you. They cry, they run away, they throw things, or they just ignore you. Lucas cried. but all he wanted was for me to hold him. and then he just sat in my lap and mourned his mother's leaving with his head on my shoulder for about ten minutes.

I'm thinking...can I keep you?

and then about an hour later after reading many a book and talking about trucks and dinosaurs he falls asleep. I pick him up and I was going to put him in his crib. but he didn't want to sleep there. he wanted to sleep on his big brother Soren's bed. so I take him over there and I lean down, and the kid will not let go of me. so I lay down next to him, and his is all cuddled close to me and we sleep that way for an hour and half. I woke up as the happiest girl in the world.

it was totally worth getting up early for.

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